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NMC Builds Congressional Campaign Website for Betty Sutton

New Media Campaigns is pleased to announce the launch of Betty Sutton’s campaign website as she runs for re-election in Ohio’s 16th Congressional District. Built on NMC’s HiFi Content Management System, Sutton’s site features a clean, modern design that makes it easy for her constituents to learn about her stand on issues facing the middle class and her political background.

Betty Sutton homepage

When she was redistricted this year, Sutton knew she needed a new, friendly website to introduce herself to her constituents. She also wanted to encourage supporters to participate in the campaign and connect with her across social media channels.

The site features prominent calls to action and social media icons that engage visitors to connect with Sutton and her campaign. The Issues page is also organized by specific groups of constituents in Northeastern Ohio (such as women, veterans and the middle class) to further connect her and her policy stances with voters.

Supporters can donate to the campaign using the Contribute tool, which is integrated with NGP VAN, and easily subscribe to the newsletter directly from the homepage.

The video gallery page allows site visitors to view all the latest videos from Sutton’s campaign directly on the site. Because the site was developed on HiFi, adding videos or switching out the top “featured video,” as well as adding  and editing content throughout the site, is easy and intuitive for the campaign team

New Media Campaigns has designed and developed over 100 political campaign sites in the past five years, while also building sites for businesses and non-profits around the world.