Career Partners International
Career Partners International is a global talent management group. Headquartered in Chapel Hill, CPI is made up of a large international group of about one hundred partners, who collectively work with groups on career management, talent development, leadership coaching and career transition. CPI worked with Winnow Creative to come up with a fresh design and New Media Campaigns built the site on our Content Management System.
Because of its expansive global reach and large number of partners, CPI's site has a lot of different content to manage. They needed an umbrella site that could feature both the group and also its partners. It needed to be able to update information easily and centrally, and needed to be able manage content on multiple levels. Beyond that, the site needed to organize information in a way that would be useful to visitors and would help to engage them, like this interactive graphic:
NMC's partnership with Winnow Design resulted in an attractive, functional design that features a lot of interactive content and custom design. NMC's HiFi Content Management System is working below the surface of Winnow Creative's graphics and custom photos to integrate many different features that make the site easy for visitors to navigate and easy for site managers to update and manage.
The biggest custom feature on this site is the world map. The information for this section is run through a file exported from CPI's partner management software, which allows them to export the listing of partners into a CSV file and upload that through the site. The information from the CSV file populates much of the site, from the homepage rotation of partners to the entire Locations part of the site, including the World Map, Location List and Individual Partners pages. This setup allows CPI headquarters to easily and centrally and globally update the site with new information at any time.
HiFi also incorporates the Googe Maps API in the "Search Nearest Location" toolbar on the world map. The API maps longitude and latitude of an entered address and returns a sorted set of resulting CPI partner locations based on a number of searches including city, state, and zip code. Visitors can also choose to allow the site to detect their location based on IP address, rather than entering an address in the "Search Nearest Location" field. The world map also allows visitors to easily jump into a selected region.
In addition to the interactive graphics and other visual attractions, the website is also full of deep content--articles, white papers, a blog, webinars, news, press releases, and more. To help users get find and get the most out of this information, there are many custom filtering options to hone in on whatever content is needed. This content can also be found on various parts of the site as related information, helping to engage visitors and help them get what they need.
HiFi makes many of the custom features integrated in the website possible, and it also allows lots of backend control by CPI--they can set each banner image, can change background colors, add new information to the knowledge center and control all the copy on the site, including the homepage rotation.
The cumulative result is a website that successfully integrates the global company with the local partners, providing information on every level in between. Interactive page elements encourage visitors to explore deeper into the site, where they will find a wealth of information about talent management in their region (or elsewhere). Leveraging powerful tools like the Google Maps API and the custom world map keeps visitors on the site and quickly provides a wealth of information. Whether they are looking to consult with CPI or mine the website's resources to apply to their own businesses, business leaders will be able to find everything they need quickly and easily.