The Right Priorities to Help Illinois's 17th District Thrive
2014 was a tough year for incumbents so the Bustos campaign knew it needed the right digital partner for its re-election website. Introduced to NMC through our work and partnership with the DCCC, the Bustos team tasked us with telling the story of how Congresswoman Bustos has successfuly fought for her district's highest legislative priorities. We're pleased how well the site helped her connect with voters to help ensure a successful 2014 run.

An atypical site for an atypical politician
The Congresswoman is not your usual politician, having spent most of her time in the private sector, so it was important that the color scheme of the campaign site eschewed the traditional red & blue palette. We used the purple from her logo and accented it with lighter tones and whites. It's a campaign website that instantly stands out and helps communicate that voters are dealing with a special candidate.
Moreover, it was important for the campaign that the Congresswoman's formidable record to speak for itself. The site highlights her Priorities front and center on the homepage, each with a custom icon drawn by the NMC team that links deeper into more information about how the congresswoman is working to advance that issue.

The right website should make engaging with visitors & voters simple
Typical with political campaign websites is collecting visitor and volunteer information. We collected the form submissions and fed them directly to the campaign's BSD Tools account, so that no one had to re-enter the names and email addresses manually later. Centralizing the contacts information into a single database makes it easy to set up email blasts and GOTV efforts.
Prominent News & Media sections complemented naturally the campaign's priorities. The Content Management System made it easy to update frequently with fresh content and was designed to pull in the campaign's latest tweets and Facebook posts automatically. Together, the frequently updated news and photos items showed voters this was a dynamic, engaged campaign.

A Website that Also Works Hard to Serve IL's 17th District
We're happy to report that the Bustos team was successful in re-electing the congresswoman in 2014. And while we can't claim full responsibility, a modern, responisve website that loads fast, is easy to update, and focuses explicitly on mobilizing voters certainly didn't hurt! The custom site was a big success and helped position the Congresswoman on her own terms, during an election year where that wasn’t possible for many campaigns.