Impressed by our previous work with universities and non-profits around the world, the Rhodes Scholarships team approached us to bring their storied brand online. At the time, the Rhodes had a very outdated and non-functional website, which contrasted the renown and elegance of the brand.
We worked with the Trust to understand their brand and then designed a new site for the organization. The homepage features a main media rotation of Scholars' activities as well as quick links to important sections of the site. Also located prominently on the homepage are large buttons directing visitors to apply, support, or contact the Rhodes trust.
The goals of the new site were to have a very attractive online presence that put individual scholar stories up front, while still allowing the site to be easily navigable and informative. With each round of design, we were careful to maintain the storied and classic tones of the brand. The website also features a section to share current news and events occurring within the Trust.
The resulting website was a huge success, aiding the launch of their most recent capital campaign. In addition to the sharp design and unique features, the Rhodes website is now supported by a more modern, user-friendly Content Management System, HiFi. NMC and Rhodes felt that an upgrade to NMC’s newer, stronger version of the CMS was necessary to support the frequent updating by Rhodes’ staff. HiFi offers more organization flexibility, a more intuitive form-builder, redirects CMS user interface, and many other useful features that will save Rhodes’ staff time and stress. Furthermore, they have continued to scale out the site with updated content and multimedia, earning praise from scholars around the world.